another sunny day in paradise
I thought this might be an easy way to let you all keep track of what me and Dan are up to. When my creative mood strikes i can get on here and spread some news to everyone i've shared this space with. It's a hot Saturday afternoon here and i have an hour to work o this, well less. I have to be at the airport in an hour to pick up Dan. he's returning from his second time out flying for Southwest. He's working a 3 days on 4 days off schedule. He has to leave the night before he reports to work in Oakland, California, so he's gone 4 days. So far he's enjoying it. The first time he was nervous but when i dropped him off this week he was really happy after getting thru the first week and not screwing anything up, spilling a drink on someone or not getting all his work done in time. This week he's learned that aircraft, like school buses, have mechanical issues. Twice they were delayed and what he thought he was doing changed. yesterday the day stretched a few extra hours. But with double time pay I don't think he really cared much. The pic on here is Dan on the day he graduated from Flight Operations training. He was in Dallas for 4 weeks. It was great that I could go and attend graduation. Seeing what he went thru, listening to him talk about it for 4 weeks and see headquarters in Dallas for Southwest Airlines really impressed me. I think he's going to have a lot of fun and he's working for a great company that cares a lot about their employees.
hi rob and dan
Hi Rob and Dan ... lol
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