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If you know me, you know I loved working at the dinner train. What i always refered to as "my fun job". Thanks Pat and Bob for your email and comments. You really don't know how much I miss the train and everyone there. Well anyway...... as of today I'm waiting for an offer from a school bus company here that called me last week to see if I was available and wanted to take over the opeation of an operation of about 100 buses in a growing community that has tripled their fleet size in 4 years and expect to grow at least another 50% in the next 3 - 4 years. They have two high schools now, opening a third next year, Currently 11 elementary schools (K- 8) two new ones opening in 2006 and 2 more in 2007. Growing? yeah i guess so. Gives you an idea of the growth on the west side of Phoenix where I live too.
So hoepfully that's going to happen and I'll have a position that I'm familiar with and will pay the bills.
So there's no dinner train here. I'm at least a 2 hour drive from the nearest tourist railroad. I need something else to do. Well there's a golf course behind the house. Dan and I were over there last week to have lunch. I saw a notice posted that they are looking for a driver for the refrshment cart AKA beer wagon, on weekends from fall to spring. I filled out an application.
Damn, won't a golf cart with a big air horn look great on the golf course !!!