The Arizona News

Saturday, March 11, 2006

March weather in AZ

This is March?? wow... after days of 80's it's around 48 - 50 here today. Snowing like mad in northern AZ and even snow on the Mountain tops here in Phoenix. these are the Mountains we see from out deck that are in lots of the other pics on here. One of my neighbors said it's the first time in 18 - 20 years since she's seen snow on them.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Finished pool project.

Remember when it looked like this in our back yard? That was around Thanksgiving. Well it's finished. Check out the photos below. Thanks to Lorrie at Saguaro Country Nursery for putting up with us !! She did a kick ass job doing our yard and we love it !!
Another friend of ours did the irrigation system, stone and lighting. We think it came out pretty nice.
Now it just needs to warm up a little more to start enjoying the pool. Even now it's warmer then the ocean in Rhode Island in August. That's not saying much.
Check out the photos below.

Pool Landscaping Project