backyard progress undate
Hope everyone back in new england is having a nice long weekend. Got the snow shovels out? It even got cold here today. Don't think it got over 62. Well it is winter right? The backyard is slowly coming together. All the concrete for the deck is poured now, the grilling station is in but not set up yet. Tile is around the pool. We have to get locks for the sliders on the house before we can pass city final and they can proceed and finish the pool. There was a problem with one of the doors during the building that was fixed well enough for us as far as the door working ok but it's not good enough now for the locksmith installing the locks. Hopefully that gets fixed Monday or Tuesday and we can get moving again. The grilling station is really nice. All cut flag stone top and foot rest. It is stucco and matches the patern on the house. That came out so nice we want to stucco the block wall in the back now too so it matches the house. So here's some pics to look at and see what's going on. More soon I hope.